「我們的世界不斷在開門」即試圖創造一個對話空間、一個接觸帶(contact zone),讓「聽過、知曉」深化成「同理/共感」,拒絕將「白色恐怖」僅僅停留在訊息層面,而非致力於「不再發生(Never Again)」的思想。但願兩位引路人留下的困頓與悲喜視野,讓我們有機會能重新審視感知頻道,接收歷史回聲,讓識見的門窗再打開一點點。
In recent years, “transitional justice” has been advocated in Taiwan, which brings to light traumas from the authoritarian era which were overlooked; however, perhaps you may have heard of this term, but maybe you don’t fully understand what it means, and the value and impact it has on all of our lives. “Knowledge/information” then becomes just an existing outcome or an answer that people may repeatedly recite but seldom think further about the complexity that lies beyond the answer.
Keep Opening Doors seeks to create a place for dialogues, a space for coming into contact, where things that you may have heard of or know about can be internalized into empathy so that we can see “White Terror” beyond just mere information and beyond just focusing on the notion of “Never Again.” Hopefully, the struggles and the sadness and joy left behind by our two guides, Tsao Kai and Ou Yang Jian Hua, can push us to reevaluate our perceptual receptors and allow us to take in the echoes of history, then let the doors and windows of knowledge open up, a little bit more. We invite you to join our two guides and the six artists to walk through doors and embark on a collective journey inside.
We glisten with a language of silence
Ever so pristinely bright, ever enigmatic
I believe that all linguists
Would want to understand the cool glow that we exhale
May the light of life
Never fade and won’t be forgotten
The words we offer for others to use
Are blood rouge faces that love the light
An excerpt from "Bright Faces" by Tsao Kai